I have two Kendo UI DatePicker objects on the page. Both of them had been set with a function called in document.ready()
. After change event runs when date changed the same function that was called from document.ready() runs again. But this time first datepicker object does not set the value. I used it like below
var endPicker = $("#endDate").data("kendoDatePicker");
var beginPicker = $("#startDate").data("kendoDatePicker");
if ($("#today").is(':checked')) {
beginPicker.value(new Date());//this one sets null not the date
endPicker.value(new Date());
Something prevents setting the first datepicker's value. Change events only for validating date range and start and end datepickers call them respectively
function startChange() {
var endPicker = $("#endDate").data("kendoDatePicker"),
first = this.value();
if (first) {
first = new Date(first);
first.setDate(first.getDate() + 1);
dateChanged();//calls ajax
function endChange() {
var startPicker = $("#startDate").data("kendoDatePicker"),
second = this.value();
if (second) {
second = new Date(second);
second.setDate(second.getDate() - 1);
dateChanged();//calls ajax
Ah finally I found what was wrong and why first datepicker can not set today's value. It's all about second datepicker's change event. It sets it's own value -1 as the first datepicker's max value. So it should be written as second.setDate(second.getDate());
In this case they set new Date()
as their new value.