I am trying to call FreightQuote API using SoapClient for getting quote.
I am getting a response but it is a validation error. The error type is "Unknown" and message is "General error occurred".
My code:
$apiHostPath = "https://b2b.Freightquote.com/WebService/QuoteService.asmx?wsdl";
$AuthClient = new SoapClient($apiHostPath);
$xmlString = file_get_contents("temp.xml");
$soapBody = new SoapVar($xmlString, XSD_ANYXML);
$result = $AuthClient->GetRatingEngineQuote(array($soapBody));
echo get_class($result);
My XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<GetRatingEngineQuote xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<MaxPickupDate />
<TLDeliveryDate />
<AdditionalServices />
<AdditionalServices />
<NMFC />
<ProductDrops />
<ShipmentContacts />
I solved it and posting it here so it can be helpful to others with same problem. I refer this question and it's selected answer solved my problem. The code written in question just need one modification, $soapBody
variable was previously passed within array, which needed to be passed directly without array. The correct line is shown below:
$result = $AuthClient->GetRatingEngineQuote($soapBody);
The XML file is read and passed as an XML string so it needed to be start from its actual body, as shown below:
<GetRatingEngineQuote xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<AddressName>Address 1</AddressName>
<StreetAddress>123 Main</StreetAddress>
<LocationName>Location name</LocationName>
<ContactEmail>[email protected]</ContactEmail>
<AddressName>Address 2</AddressName>
<StreetAddress>123 Main</StreetAddress>