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Is there a way to reference VM in xaml while using AutoWireViewModel = "True"

As you see, I'm trying a new way to show custom dialog with MahApp.Metro in MVVM.

I can't reference MahApps.Metro.Controls.Dialogs in VM directly for using dialogCoordinator.ShowMetroDialogAsync(..., BaseMetroDialog dialog, ...), because BaseMetroDialog is an UI element(breaking MVVM).

So I'm trying define my custom dialog in xaml, then calling ShowMetroDialogAsync via ObjectDataProvider. But I don't know how to get reference of DataContext(the VM) for passing to ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters as the first param.


button for trigger ObjectDataProvider:



  • There's nothing wrong with a a service that shows the dialog. This way, the view model does not know of the view and you do not need over-complicated xaml constructs.

    Or you go for prism's built-in popup system with interaction requests.