I have a file with a certain number of lines.
I need to find all double letters and change the second letter to the one that corresponds to it in the map.
Case of replaced letters should be kept.
Example: "kotlIn is a functional programming Language"
should become "kotlYn is a functionol programmyng Longuage"
fun changeChar(inputFileName: String, outputFileName: String) {
val outputStream = File(outputFileName).bufferedWriter()
val charsRegex = "([klmn][aei])".toRegex(setOf(RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE))
val validChars = mapOf('a' to 'o', 'e' to 'u', 'i' to 'y')
File(inputFileName).forEachLine { line ->
val sb = StringBuilder(line).replace(charsRegex, /*here is my difficulty*/)
I spent many hours, but could not find solutions on the Internet and the standard Kotlin library.
Another idiomatic solution would be to transform the matched string using the replace(...) { ... }
overload that accepts a lambda to handle each MatchResult
val charsRegex = "[klmn][aei]".toRegex(RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE)
val validChars = mapOf('a' to 'o', 'e' to 'u', 'i' to 'y')
val result = line.replace(charsRegex) {
val vowel = it.value[1]
val validLetter = validChars.getValue(vowel.toLowerCase())
val validCaseLetter = if (vowel.isLowerCase()) validLetter else validLetter.toUpperCase()
it.value.take(1) + validCaseLetter