I search for a clean way to use v-model and vuex store.
Vuex provide several helpers methods are pretty usefull but a little bit annoying when using with v-model.
The way I do today to use v-model and my modularized store is like
computed: {
type: {
get() {
return this.$store.state.mymodule.type;
set(newValue) {
this.$store.dispatch('mymodule/setType', newValue)
This works BUT I found better to take profit of vuex helpers to avoid boilerplate code (this.$store, module name, ...)
Ok, so I firstly want to get rid of module name. Vuex provide a great createNamespacedHelpers which return modularized helpers.
Let's use it :
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex'
const { mapState, mapActions } = createNamespacedHelpers('some/nested/module')
So, ok, we now have a clean mapState and mapActions functions which are module dedicated.
computed: {
...mapState(['type']) // No need here to specify module name :)
Pretty cool but since mapState has only get function, I can't set a dispatch function to update data...
In case of using v-model, I find helpers unusable. I can't use mapState, thus I can't use createNamespacedHelpers.
So : How can I use the benefit of Vuex helpers functions and v-model to work together ?
You can't. There is no elegant way to combine helpers with v-model. But v-model is just a syntactic sugar, so maybe the most readable way is to use the helpers
computed: {
...mapGetters('path/to/module', ['type'])
methods: {
...mapActions('path/to/module', ['setType'])
without the v-model
<input :value="type" @input="setType">