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Enable a button when all EditText complete

I would like to enable a AppCompatButton when all fields in a form are complete.

I am using a ViewModel and would like to use Databinding to enable this.

I have 2 methods that fire when text is changed on the views to update an objects data in the viewmodel.

The issue I am running into is when both fields are complete, I need to enable a button on the layout allowing them to proceed.

An example would be log in, when the username and password fields are fulled in, the log in button becomes enabled.


  • You can use the same solution like here

    But if you want use only AndroidArch and DataBinding you can create your own approach like below:

    class MyVM : ViewModel() {
        val mLoginLiveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
        val mPasswordLiveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
        val mLoginPasswordMediator = MediatorLiveData<Boolean>()
        init {
          mLoginPasswordMediator.addSource(mLoginLiveData) { validateForm() }
          mLoginPasswordMediator.addSource(mPasswordLiveData) { validateForm() }
        private fun validateForm() {
            // put your validation logic here, and update the following value
            // as `true` or `false` based on validation result
            // mLoginPasswordMediator.value = ...
        override fun onCleared() {
            // DO NOT forget to remove sources from mediator

    and in your activity class listen your MediatorLiveData:

    class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
          //Obtain your ViewModel class here
          //Initialize binding here
          mBinding.lifecycleOwner = this
          mVM.mLoginPasswordMediator.observe(this, Observer { validationResult ->
              mBinding.yourButton.isEnabled = validationResult

    And didn't forget to use your LiveDatas' in 'your_activity_layout'.xml:

    //Add your ViewModel class to layout here
      ... />
      ... />