I am using javax to create a REST service to send an Java Object from one system to another.
I send the data like follows:
WebTarget wt = client.target(baseUrl.toString()).path(restUrlSuffix);
response = wt.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(transferJSON));
I defined a method which should receive the entity as a JSON:
public Response saveWorkflowDefinition(@Valid String json) {
String message = "Message to return";
Response res = Response.ok(message).build();
return res;
With this method everything is fine. Data arrives as JSON, colud be transformed back to my java class and I can work with the object again.
Also it seems, that the Response is correct. If I debug my code, the response is properly filled.
But on the side where I want to receive this response and check it, the entity part is empty.
I have no idea why?
I found a solution. I had to add a "valid" readEntity to my WebTarget request. I my case I have written a response object, maybe a String.class might work too. I need my response class later in my code to transfer some more detailed information.
response = wt.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(transferJSON)).readEntity(WFResponse.class);