How do I create a variable to use in my text using a Qualtrics survey in multiple questions? I am not using any embedded data or making variations. The variable would be for the sole purpose of editing future drafts of my survey more efficiently. For example I want something like:
myvar = 100
Q1. If you have %myvar% and I take away 50 how much is left?
Q2. If you have %myvar% and I give you 70 how much do you get?
The more thorough the explanation the better!
You don't need any JavaScript for this. What you want to do is very easy in Qualtrics.
First, at the beginning of your survey flow assign a value to an embedded data field:
myvar = 100
Then pipe the value into your question text like:
Q1. If you have ${e://Field/myvar} and I take away 50 how much is left?