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nodes are available 3 Insufficient cpu

I’m trying to run the following example: When I run on minikube, it runs well. But when I run on GKE, I see an error, 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu.

Anyone can help me please?

Where I can increase CPU? On stateful_set or on kluster config?

I created my cluster with terraform, with the following configurations:

resource "google_container_cluster" "gcloud_cluster" {
  name               = "gcloud-cluster-${var.workspace}"
  zone               = "us-east1-b"
  initial_node_count = 3
  project            = "${var.project}"

  addons_config {
    network_policy_config {
      disabled = true

  master_auth {
    username = "${var.username}"
    password = "${var.password}"

  node_config {
    oauth_scopes = [


0/3 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu.


  • What is happening here is that by default your cluster is being created using n1-standard-1 machines which have only 1vCPU.

    You should add to your config information about machine type you want to use i.e:

    resource "google_container_cluster" "gcloud_cluster" {
      name               = "gcloud-cluster-${var.workspace}"
      zone               = "us-east1-b"
      initial_node_count = 3
      project            = "${var.project}"
      addons_config {
        network_policy_config {
          disabled = true
      master_auth {
        username = "${var.username}"
        password = "${var.password}"
      node_config {
        machine_type = "${var.machine_type}"
        oauth_scopes = [

    and declare it in file using either n1-standard-2 or n1-standard-4 i.e:

    variable "machine_type" {
        type = "string"
        default = "n1-standard-4"