I am trying to read data from reddit using java. I am using JRAW.
Here is my code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String username = "dummyName";
UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent("crawl", "com.example.crawl", "v0.1", username);
Credentials credentials = Credentials.script(username, <password>,<clientID>, <client-secret>);
NetworkAdapter adapter = new OkHttpNetworkAdapter(userAgent);
RedditClient reddit = OAuthHelper.automatic(adapter, credentials);
Account me = reddit.me().about();
SubmissionReference submission = reddit.submission("https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/9rlkdm/shady_insurance_work_around_to_pay_for_my_dexcom/");
RootCommentNode rcn = submission.comments();
// Submission submission1 = submission.inspect();
// System.out.println(submission1.getSelfText());
// System.out.println(submission1.getUrl());
// System.out.println(submission1.getTitle());
// System.out.println(submission1.getAuthor());
// System.out.println(submission1.getCreated());
I am making two requests as of now, first one is reddit.me().about();
and the second is reddit.submission("https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/9rlkdm/ shady_insurance_work_around_to_pay_for_my_dexcom/");
The output is:
[1 ->] GET https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me?raw_json=1
[<- 1] 200 application/json: '{"is_employee": false, "seen_layout_switch": true, "has_visited_new_profile": false, "pref_no_profanity": true, "has_external_account": false, "pref_geopopular": "GL(...)
[2 ->] GET https://oauth.reddit.com/comments/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdiabetes%2Fcomments%2F9rlkdm%2Fshady_insurance_work_around_to_pay_for_my_dexcom%2F?sort=confidence&sr_detail=false&(...)
[<- 2] 400 application/json: '{"message": "Bad Request", "error": 400}'
Exception in thread "main" net.dean.jraw.ApiException: API returned error: 400 (Bad Request), relevant parameters: []
at net.dean.jraw.models.internal.ObjectBasedApiExceptionStub.create(ObjectBasedApiExceptionStub.java:57)
at net.dean.jraw.models.internal.ObjectBasedApiExceptionStub.create(ObjectBasedApiExceptionStub.java:33)
at net.dean.jraw.RedditClient.request(RedditClient.kt:186)
at net.dean.jraw.RedditClient.request(RedditClient.kt:219)
at net.dean.jraw.RedditClient.request(RedditClient.kt:255)
at net.dean.jraw.references.SubmissionReference.comments(SubmissionReference.kt:50)
at net.dean.jraw.references.SubmissionReference.comments(SubmissionReference.kt:28)
at Main.main(Main.java:36)
Caused by: net.dean.jraw.http.NetworkException: HTTP request created unsuccessful response: GET https://oauth.reddit.com/comments/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdiabetes%2Fcomments%2F9rlkdm%2Fshady_insurance_work_around_to_pay_for_my_dexcom%2F?sort=confidence&sr_detail=false&raw_json=1 -> 400
... 6 more
As it can been that my first request gives me a response of my username but in the second response i am getting a bad request 400 error.
To check whether my client ID and client secret were working correctly I did the same request using python PRAW library.
import praw
from praw.models import MoreComments
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=<same-as-in-java>, client_secret=<same-as-in-java>,
password=<same-as-in-java>, user_agent='crawl',
submission = reddit.submission(
This gives the desired result without any errors so the client secret details must be working.
The only doubt I have is in the user agent creation in java UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent("crawl", "com.example.crawl", "v0.1", username);
I followed the following link.
What exactly does the target platform, the unique ID or the version
mean. I tried to keep the same format as in the link. Also using the same username as in other places. On the other hand the user_agent in python was a string crawl
Please tell me if I am missing anything and what could be the issue.
Thank you
P.S. I want to do this in java. not python.
Since your first query is working the credentials are correct. In JRAW don't give the whole URL but only the id in the submission function.
Change this
SubmissionReference submission = reddit.submission("https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes/comments/9rlkdm/shady_insurance_work_around_to_pay_for_my_dexcom/");
to this
SubmissionReference submission = reddit.submission("9rlkdm");
where the id is the random string after /comment/
in the URL.
Hope this helps.