I have a c# console application running as a web job in Azure PaaS. Since it is a legacy system and use local UNC path to put the generated pdf, I am exploring the ways I can do this on Azure Storage. Following this, I have created a storage account then File share and finally a directory inside file share. I can access the directory from windows machine by entering the login credentials. so I know the storage is all set and working. Now I want to replace the UNC path in my c# code with the UNC(?) path on Azure PaaS but I am wondering if that would work and if yes then how I should handle the credentials? Since Microsoft says that File Share supports SMB 3.0 I reckon I should be able to use it just the way I use any on premises drive. I do not want to use REST api's to do the file operations as defined here and in the video here because it would involve code changes which in my case would be a huge exercise. Since File share supports SMB protocol I was expecting to find examples where it is called from a web job. Can somebody point me to the right resource or guide me how I can accomplish this piece of functionality.
Here's your problem -
From the App Service sandbox Wiki -
Restricted Outgoing Ports
Regardless of address, applications cannot connect to anywhere using ports 445, 137, 138, and 139. In other words, even if connecting to a non-private IP address or the address of a virtual network, connections to ports 445, 137, 138, and 139 are not permitted.
That's largely SMB traffic.
Your options are limited, i would try to publish on Cloud Services instead (worker role), still PaaS but with a vintage feel to it and no outbound port restrictions.
Service Fabric with Guest Executable programming model could also be an option, although it's probably a little too involved for a simple console app. Pick Windows nodes for .NET Full Framework.