I need a clarification regarding the use of TreeMap and LinkedList. Do these two structures use compareTo or equals?
In particular, TreeMap keeps the order in the keys, I suppose using the compareTo method of the class defined for the keys. However, when using get, do they use compareTo or equals to see if the key you pass is contained?
I have the same doubt for contains and getIndex inside LinkedList.
uses compareTo
, and the documentation warns you of problems if compareTo
is not consistent with equals
(i.e. that a.compareTo(b) == 0 <=> a.equals(b)
should be true).
Note that the ordering maintained by a tree map ... must be consistent with equals if this sorted map is to correctly implement the Map interface.
uses equals
The reason why TreeMap
has to use an ordering consistent with equals
is that the contract of Map
defines the behavior in terms of equals
. For example, containsKey
is defined as:
if and only if this map contains a mapping for a keyk
such that(key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k))
Let's say you define a class like this:
class Bad implements Comparable<Bad> {
@Override public int compareTo(Bad other) { return 0; }
If you were to write:
Bad b1 = new Bad();
Bad b2 = new Bad();
Map<Bad, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
hm.put(b1, "");
System.out.println(hm.containsKey(b2)); // false
Map<Bad, String> tm = new TreeMap<>();
tm.put(b1, "");
System.out.println(tm.containsKey(b2)); // true
despite the fact that
System.out.println(tm.keySet().stream().anyMatch(k -> k.equals(b2))); // false
Thus, TreeMap
violates the contract of Map
, because Bad
does not implement Comparable
consistently with equals