Is their a way i can debug or modify SaveAs method of Telerik RadFileExplorer. I am implementing a functionality for Upload on local disk and Object Storage.
Local disk expects path as "C:\\Test\\File.txt" - It works fine
Object Storage expects path as "Test\\File.txt" - It does not work fine
As i am using telerik Radfileexplorer i dont have control on upload/Saveas method what i guess internally it must be using for upload. How to get hold of it ?
The best way and the best place to do this is inside the FileBrowserContentProvider's StoreFile method. In your case I recommend you to subclass the default provide which ships with radFileExplorer - Telerik.Web.UI.Widgets.FileSystemContentProvider and override its StoreFile method in order to achieve the desired result:
public override string StoreFile(UploadedFile file, string path, string name, params string[] arguments)
return base.StoreFile(file, path, name, arguments);
Please note that you need to return the virtual path of the currently saved file. Then you can set the new provider to the RadFileExplorer control.
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