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Blender import in Unity, how to generate correct mesh collider?


How to get/generate a proper mesh collider in Unity using a model exported from Blender (.obj/.fbx)?

This is my second day using Blender and I'm hitting a roadblock. I've tried fiddling with the Rigid Body Collisions, i.e., setting "Shape" to Convex Hull and "Source" to Final/Deformed (Blender docs specify that these two settings capture modifiers), I've tried "Generate Colliders" inside Unity and the mesh collider always comes out as above. A box.

How to assign mesh collider to the exact mesh? I started with a circle and used a boolean modifier to create the cutout. Desire is to have the mesh collider around the mesh exactly, meaning no collider on the cutout. How to do this?


  • Make sure you have a Mesh Collider component on your object with the correct mesh set. Watch out for the convex parameter for flat objects, as it can sometimes fail and give you a box collider instead.

    example screenshot


    I just noticed you said you were using a RigidBody, which means you need to have Convex set. A solution to this is to make a second mesh in Blender with a third dimension to it, then set the flat one on the Mesh Filter and the one with thickness to the Mesh Collider.