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Summernote dirtyForm

I'm using summernote wysiwyg in a form for writing product descriptions.
Now I'm trying to make it work with jQuery dirtyforms.
It works only in code-view.
After changing the content should appear as dirty.
If the form is dirty the save button has to be unabled (pic1).
How can i check if the summernote textfield has changed? (the content has been changed).

enter image description here

This is the code for dirty check.

var formUpdateChecker = function() {
    $s.DirtyForms.ignoreClass = 'ignore-dirty';

    $s('form#product-update, form#form-discount, form#draftComanda, form#product-add, #form--addNewAddress, #form--editAddress').dirtyForms({
        message: 'Ai facut modificari care ar putea sa nu fie salvate.'

    $s('form#product-update, form#form-discount, form#draftComanda, form#product-add, #descriere').on('dirty.dirtyforms clean.dirtyforms summernote.change', function(ev) {
        var $form = $s(;
        var $submitResetButtons = $s('.btn-save');

        if (ev.type === 'dirty') {
        } else {
            $submitResetButtons.attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-default');



  • Solved.

     var summernoteDirty = function(){
        var text_content = $s('#descriere').html();
        var new_text_content;
        var $submitResetButtons = $s('.btn-save');
        $s('#descriere, .note-codable, .note-editable').on('summernote.change dirty.dirtyforms clean.dirtyforms', function(){
            new_text_content = $s('.note-editable').html();
            if(text_content !== new_text_content){
                $submitResetButtons.attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-default');