I need to check if user with passed email
OR login
already exists in database.
const userModel = new User();
const user = await userModel.findByLogin(req.body.email, req.body.login);
if (user) {
req.checkBody('email', 'Email already in use').custom(value => user.email === value ? Promise.reject('Email already in use') : value);
req.checkBody('login', 'Login already in use').custom(value => user.login === value ? Promise.reject('Login already in use') : value);
const errors = req.validationErrors();
takes email
and login
and returns existing user
or null
. Email validation works as expected. But if I try to register user with unique email
and existing login
, it doesn't create any errors (errors
is false
I just messed up with asynchronous validation. I cannot use validationErrors
in my case, so I changed it to getValidationResult
and it works fine now. Here is the result:
const userModel = new User();
const user = await userModel.findByLogin(req.body.email, req.body.login)
if (user) {
req.checkBody('email', 'Email already in use').custom(value => user.email !== value ? value : Promise.reject('Email already in use')).withMessage('Email already in use');
req.checkBody('login', 'Login already in use').custom(value => user.login !== value ? value : Promise.reject('Login already in use'));
const errors = await req.getValidationResult();