The problem is the following: When parsing a sparql query, I get simplified ast and I need to pass it to a third-party library for further processing, but the functionality out of the box (rdf4j) does not allow transferring ast in a machine-readable format, only tex, I would like to receive in json format.
StringBuilder qb = new StringBuilder();
qb.append(" PREFIX has_vaccine_allergen: <>\n" +
" PREFIX chicken_egg_protein_allergen: <> \n" +
" SELECT distinct ?vaccine_label ?vaccine \n" +
" FROM <>\n" +
" WHERE {\n" +
" ?vaccine rdfs:label ?vaccine_label .\n" +
" ?vaccine rdfs:subClassOf ?vaccine_restriction .\n" +
" ?vaccine_restriction owl:onProperty has_vaccine_allergen:; owl:someValuesFrom chicken_egg_protein_allergen: .\n" +
SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser();
ParsedTupleQuery q = (ParsedTupleQuery)parser.parseQuery(qb.toString(), null);
TupleExpr te = q.getTupleExpr();
Result of code execution:
[PrefixDecl (prefix=has_vaccine_allergen), PrefixDecl (prefix=chicken_egg_protein_allergen), SelectQuery]
ProjectionElem "vaccine_label"
ProjectionElem "vaccine"
Var (name=vaccine)
Var (name=_const_9285ccfc_uri, value=, anonymous)
Var (name=vaccine_label)
Var (name=vaccine)
Var (name=_const_4592be07_uri, value=, anonymous)
Var (name=vaccine_restriction)
Var (name=vaccine_restriction)
Var (name=_const_a509c4e0_uri, value=, anonymous)
Var (name=_const_3319983d_uri, value=, anonymous)
Var (name=vaccine_restriction)
Var (name=_const_6539d60c_uri, value=, anonymous)
Var (name=_const_3319a704_uri, value=, anonymous)
I need get that to json format
First of all: the TupleExpr
object (and the tree underneath it) is not the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), but instead is RDF4J's query algebra model. If you wish to work directly on the AST of a SPARQL query, you can use SyntaxTreeBuilder.parseQuery(queryString)
to receive the actual AST. That said, doing query re-processing on either AST or algebra model can work, it depends a bit on what exactly your output is supposed to do which one is the best choice.
For either AST or query algebra model, RDF4J has abstract Visitor implementations that you can freely extend for your own needs. For AST trees, AbstractASTVisitor
is a good starting point (make sure you pick the right one, RDF4J has two: one for SeRQL, one for SPARQL). For query algebra models, the place to start is AbstractQueryModelVisitor
. There's tons of examples of implementations of either in the RDF4J code base itself. The typical pattern is that you override the meet
methods where you want to define your own behavior, taking care to call
at the end when you're processing a node that is not a leaf.