I try to create a sub-application that copies the database to the user desired location. Although an error is popping up that my newly created folder is being used by another application (i havent used any stream readers).
The files are correct and the copy to the selected directory is totaly working , although the problem starts when i create the folder and after i try to use him.
string SourceFile1 = @"C:\Users\user\Documents\DLLTESTBASE.mdf";
string SourceFile2 = @"C:\Users\user\Documents\DLLTESTBASE_log.ldf";
string BackupDirectory = BackupLocation.SelectedPath + "\\" + BackupName;
if (!Directory.Exists(BackupDirectory)){
MessageBox.Show("A copy has been found :\n" + BackupDirectory , "Copy has been stoped!");
string targetPath1 = BackupDirectory + "\\DB.mdf";
string targetPath2 = BackupDirectory + "\\DB_log.ldf";
System.IO.File.Copy(SourceFile1, targetPath1);
System.IO.File.Copy(SourceFile2, targetPath2);
MessageBox.Show("Copy has been successful.", "Completed!");
catch (Exception ex){
MessageBox.Show("An error has been occured."+ex,"Operation failed!");}
The result must be that the 2 files will be inside of the folder.
Sql Data Base File in use with Sql Service
Goto Services
Stop "Sql Server" Service
you can use this link stop-or-start-sql-server-service
If u dont want to stop service use this link
Also u can use Attaching-and-Detach DB PragmaticallyAttaching-and-Detach