I have a given structure. I read all the characters of a txt-file and save it to a multidimensional array (lines) that i defined within the struct. Then I want to hand the struct variable over to a function which should then print all the characters to another txt-file.
Thats what I have:
typedef struct _content {
int length;
char **lines; // multidimensional array
} content_t;
int curline = 0; //global variables
int curchar = 0;
struct _content inhalt;
c = fgetc(ptr);
void write_content(char *filename, content_t *content)
FILE *pFile;
pFile = fopen(filename, "a");
printf("\nWriting Char Nr. %d in line: %d", curchar, curline);
fputc(content->lines[curline][curchar], pFile);
printf("\nJust wrote char Nr. %d in line: %d !", curchar, curline);
while(c != EOF)
inhalt.lines[curline][curchar] = c;
//where I call the function write_content:
write_content("write-file.txt", &inhalt);
if(c == '\n')
inhalt.lines[curline] = malloc(255);
curchar = 0;
c = fgetc(ptr);
printf("%c", c);
The last output is: "just wrote char Nr. 36 in line: 22"
But the last char written into the file is Nr 0 in line 10...
You are using a pointer to your struct so you need to use fputc(content->lines[curline][curchar], pFile)
Btw: If your lines are null-terminated you can use fputs(content->lines[curline], pFile)
Also @Someprogrammerdude is right you should define write_content
prior to calling it.
Refering to the comments:
void write_content(char *filename, content_t *content)
FILE *pFile;
pFile = fopen(filename, "a");
for(int line = 0; line <= curline; line++){
for(int c = 0; content->lines[line][c] != 0; c++){ // because 0 terminates the string
printf("\nWriting Char Nr. %d in line: %d", c, line);
fputc(content->lines[line][c], pFile);
// ...
while(c != EOF){
inhalt.lines[curline][curchar] = c;
if (c == '\n')
inhalt.lines[curline][curchar+1] = 0; // ensure null termination
inhalt.lines[curline] = malloc(255);
curchar = 0;
c = fgetc(ptr);
printf("%c", c);
//where I call the function write_content:
write_content("write-file.txt", &inhalt);