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Zapier Catch (Raw) Hook JSON parsing issue

I would like to configure sync between two different CRMs (Clevertap and Intercom) using Zapier and Webhooks. In general Clevertap sends the following JSON to webhook:

    "targetId": 1548328164, 
    "profiles": [
            "event_properties": {
                "MSG-sms": true, 
                "MSG-push": true, 
                "businessRole": "EMPLOYEE", 
                "Mobile Number": "123123123123", 
                "Name": "Artem Hovtvianisa", 
                "Title": "Mr", 
                "Last Name": "Hovtvianisa", 
                "Gender": "M", 
                "Customer type": "Business Account Holder", 
                "MSG-email": true, 
                "First Name": "Artem", 
                "Last seen IP": "", 
                "tz": "GMT+0200", 
                "International customer": "yes", 
                "isBusiness": true, 
                "Email": "", 
                "Identity": 15675
            "objectId": "e32e4de3c1e84b2d9bab3707c92cd092", 
            "all_identities": [
            "email": "", 
            "identity": "15675"

Zapier provides two types of catch webhook: regular and Raw.

Catch Raw Hook

When I use this type, JSON raw data will be handled OK and on the next step (Zapier JS code app) I am able to pass proper JSON data like in example above.

enter image description here

However when I use simple JS code to parse JSON object and get profiles[0] array value I get the following error "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined"

JS Code from Code step:

var result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputData));
return result;

enter image description here

Catch Hook

In case I use regular Catch Hook, hook parse data in some odd way, like this:

enter image description here

JSON.parse cannot recognize this structure.

Please advise how can I handle Webhook Zapier step in a proper way in order to get profiles[0] array item values?

Thanks in advance!


  • David here, from the Zapier Platform team. You're on the right track!

    Catch Raw Hook is the way to go here. Your issue is that the data is coming in as a string and you're re-stringifying it before parsing it, which gets you back to where you came from. A simpler version:

    JSON.stringify("asdf") // => "\"asdf\"", quotes in the string
    JSON.parse("\"asdf\"") // => "asdf", the original string
    "asdf".profiles // => undefined
    undefined[0] // => error, cannot read property "0" of undefined

    Instead, just parse it and you're good to go!

    // all your variables are already in "inputData", so yours, 
    // also named inputData, must be referenced explicitly. 
    const result = JSON.parse(inputData.inputData); 
    return {result: result, firstProfile: result.profiles[0]};