What is the syntax for creating a .Net object from java code (NObject) when the constructor of the .Net object has one or more parameters?
The answer by erotavlas is correct although the syntax for classes is much simpler and can be done with a one-liner (https://www.javonet.com/java-devs/guides/creating-instance-calling-instance-methods/).
To create .NET object from Java you simply use:
NObject object = Javonet.New("Namespace.ClassName", params...);
Additional note if your class constructor has array parameter (of any type) you need to cast it to Object array.
int[] arg1;
Javonet.New("Namespace.ClassName", new Object[] {arg1})
Also, you can try new service that will create a strongly typed java wrapper for you (have a read here https://www.javonet.com/blog/more-about-javonet-io/)