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Katalon IDE generated script gives error in eclipse


I am using Katalon IDE for generating a script.

As my application has a signout button on top right, when I click it, IDE will generate

xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-space(.)='S'])[3]/following::span[3]

When running this in Eclipse this line gives an error. On inspecting this element I found this:

    <td id="titlebar_hyperlink_8-co_0" role="presentation" 
    nowrap="nowrap" align="left" class="  verticalSpacer" 
    <span id="titlebar_hyperlink_8-lbsignout" align="left" 
    ctype="label" tabindex="0" targetid=
    "titlebar_hyperlink_8-lbsignout" mxevent="click" accesskey="S" 
    class="text powerwhite   anchor" style="display:block;cursor:pointer;" 
    title="Sign Out ALT+S" hotkey="83"><img id="titlebar_hyperlink_8- 
    lbsignout_image" src="btn_signout.gif" class="pwimg" border="0" 
    alt="Sign Out ALT+S"><span><span></span><span class="text hl 
    hlak">S</span><span>ign Out</span></span></span></td>

I'm new to selenium and all its related stuff. I would appreciate any kind of help on this. Thanks, Stack Overflow Community.

inspecting Signout element


  • Try changing the xpath to

    './/*[@title="Sign Out ALT+S"]'


    You want to uniquely locate an element. Usually, you would try with the id, but the id of your element seems dynamic so it might not work in every case.

    * - this means any element, and inside of the brackets [ ] you put the attribute you want to find the element by. I chose title because it will probably be unique on a given page.

    I recommend this cheatsheet for xpath reference.