I created a variable and set it equal to some props. When I changed my variable, the props also changed. How do I change the variable without changing the props?
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class TestApp extends React.Component {
render() {
var test = this.props.test;
console.log("before change")
// change the variable
test.name[0] = 'pakpahan'
console.log("after change")
return (
const mapStateToProps = function (state) {
return {
test : {
name : ['aldo', 'lino']
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TestApp);
I've already tried to use some solutions provided by others
var test = {...this.props.test};
But the result is the same, the props still change.
I expected the variable to change while the props retain the original value. But when I change the variable, the props changes as well:
The problem is that object assignment works by reference and also spread syntax just clones the object one level deep, you need to update your object like
render() {
var test = {...this.props.test};
console.log("before change")
// change the variable
const newName = [...test.name]
newName[0] = 'Abc';
newName[3] = 'GBG';
test.name = newName;
console.log("after change")
return (