I am getting Junit Vintage initialize error when trying to integrate parameterized test with spring boot app. Any pointers on resolving this issue?
@ParameterizedTest(name="Run {index}: loanAmount={0}, downPayment={1}, availableFunds={2}, expectApproved={3}, expectedMessage={4}")
public void testRequestLoan(float loanAmount, float downPayment, float availableFunds,
boolean expectApproved, String expectedMessage) throws Throwable
static Stream<Arguments> testRequestLoan_Parameters() throws Throwable {
return Stream.of(
Arguments.of(1000.0f, 200.0f, 250.0f, true, null),
Arguments.of(1000.0f, 50.0f, 250.0f, false, "error.insufficient.down.payment"),
Arguments.of(1000.0f, 200.0f, 150.0f, false, "error.insufficient.funds.for.down.payment")
I resolved the issue, by annotatating the class with