Consider the following example:
import cats.Functor
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Timer}
import cats.syntax.functor._
import fs2.Stream
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class FetchAndSum[F[_]: Timer: Concurrent: Functor](fetch: List[String] => F[List[Int]]) {
def run(inputs: List[String]): F[Int] =
.groupWithin(20, 10.millis)
.mapAsync(10)(chunk => fetch(chunk.toList))
.reduce(_ + _)
In production this is instantiated with the IO
In my tests I would like to test how many times the fetch
function gets called. If F[_]
would require only a Functor
instance, I could do that simply with the Writer
Due to the mapAsync
and groupedWithin
of fs2, F[_]
must also have instances of Timer
and Concurrent
, those of course do not exist on Writer
What data type could I use to test this in a functional way?
I thought about somehow combining an IO
with a Writer
e.g. type IOWriter[A] = IO[Writer[Int, A]]
, but I was not able to make that work without redeclaring all the type class instances for IOWriter
Is there something which allows me to achieve that without having to redeclare all the type class instances?
Use IO
with Ref
val numsExecuted: IO[Int] = for {
ref <- Ref[IO].of(0)
fetch = (l: List[String]) => ref.update(_ + 1).as(???)
_ <- new FetchAndSum[IO](fetch).run(???)
x <- ref.get
} yield x
You can also use Writer
combined with IO
. This construct is known as Writer monad transformer (type IOWriter[A] =[IO, A]
) and should have Concurrent / Timer / Monad / etc. instances out of the box.