I have an HTML-document:
A funny joke:
<li>do you know why six is afraid of seven?
<li>because seven ate nine.
Oh, so funny!
Now I want to identify the first occurence of "seven" and tag it with
<span id="link1" class="link">
How can this be accomplished?
Do you have to parse the DOM-tree or is it possible to get the whole code within the body-section and then search for the word?
In both cases, after I found the word somewhere, how do you identify it and change it's DOM-parent to span (I guess that's what has to be done) and then add the mentioned attributes?
It's not so much a code I would expect, but what methods or concepts will do the job.
And I am not so much intersted in a framework-solution but in a pure javascript way.
You need to find a DOM node with type TEXT_NODE (3) and containig your expected word. When you need to split a that node into three ones.
First is a TEXT_NODE which contains a text before the word you search, second one is a SPAN node containing the word you search, and third one is another TEXT_NODE containing an original node's tail (all after searched word).
Here is a source code...
<style type="text/css">
.link {
color: red;
A funny joke:
<li>do you know why six is afraid of seven?
<li>because seven ate nine.
Oh, so funny!
<script type="text/javascript">
function search(where, what) {
var children = where.childNodes;
for(var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
var child = children[i], pos;
if(child.nodeType == 3 && (pos = child.nodeValue.indexOf(what)) != -1) { // a TEXT_NODE
var value = child.nodeValue;
var parent = child.parentNode;
var start = value.substring(0, pos);
var end = value.substring(pos + what.length);
var span = document.createElement('span');
child.nodeValue = start;
span.className = 'link';
span.id = 'link1';
span.innerHTML = what;
return true;
} else
if(search(child, what))
return false;
search(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], 'seven');