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What's the difference between a iterator = null and hasnext = false?

I am writing a code to flatten a 2d list, like [[1,2], [3], [4,5,6]]. I want them to be in one list like [1,2,3,4,5,6]. when i want to check if coliter is at the end of a one row, i want them to change to the next row.

while ((colIter == null || !colIter.hasNext()) && rowIter.hasNext())

When i am doing this, i am thinking about what's the difference between colIter == null and !colIter.hasNext()?

private Iterator<List<Integer>> rowIter;
private Iterator<Integer> colIter;

public Solution_2(List<List<Integer>> vec2d) {
    rowIter = vec2d.iterator();
    colIter = Collections.emptyIterator();

public Integer next() {

public boolean hasNext() {
    while ((colIter == null || !colIter.hasNext()) && rowIter.hasNext()) {
        colIter =;
    return colIter != null && colIter.hasNext();

public void remove() {
    while (colIter == null && rowIter.hasNext()) {
        colIter =;
        if (colIter != null) {


  • If you take your nested list...

    [ [1,2], [3], [4,5,6] ]
 could think of it in a different fashion.

    0: [1, 2]
    1: [3]
    2: [4, 5, 6]

    That is to say, you have a two-dimensional representation of your list because of its nested property. Row 0 contains the values 1 and 2, row 1 contains 3, and row 2 contains 4, 5, and 6.

    When you write

    colIter == null || !colIter.hasNext()) && rowIter.hasNext()

    What you're checking for is this:

    • Is there a column?
    • If there is,
      • Have we exhausted the column iteration AND do we have more things to read from our rows?

    Consider a nested list in this fashion:

    0: [1, 2]
    1: []
    2: [3, 4, 5]

    For Row 1, there definitely is a column, but we don't have any values to process and there's something else to do, so we can move past this record.

    If we're at the end of the nested list, then I would expect a call to to throw a NoSuchElementException instead of returning null. You may want to look into that.