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Semantic UI Modal Height too long

I am using semantic UI to create a webpage (No React, NPM or anything fancy, just plain HTML/CSS). I am trying to add modal to my page but it behaves very strange as the modal height is too long. I don't have any other framework like Bootstrap included in my code.

How it behaves:

Image for my code

How it is supposed to behave:

Standard Image

Semantic UI Version: 2.4.2

Is Semantic UI Installed correctly? Yes, other components work.

My Code


<div id="myModal" class="ui basic modal">
        <div class="ui icon header">
            <i class="archive icon"></i>
            Archive Old Messages
        <div class="content">
            <p>Your inbox is getting full, would you like us to enable automatic archiving of old messages?</p>
        <div class="actions">
            <div class="ui red basic cancel inverted button">
                <i class="remove icon"></i>
            <div class="ui green ok inverted button">
                <i class="checkmark icon"></i>



What I tried till now:

  1. #myModal { position: relative;} and then adding id to my modal, as explained in this answer:
  2. body{ max-height: 100vh; } as explained here: semantic-ui modal stretching window height
  3. Code explained in this Fiddle (Not my fiddle):



  • In your JSfiddle I noticed your div inside of .modal-content has min-height: 1000px. I removed this and the modal is normal height now.