I'm using Vuex stores in a "feature-scope structure" for the first time and have been having difficulties tracing why I am getting a [vuex] unknown getter: $_kp/kp
- (Vue/Vuex isn't throwing much of a bone with this other than just the quoted error).
UPDATE: I turned on store.subscribeAction()
to see if that give up any more info. Here is the printed log (I'm not seeing any this useful but hopefully it helps you).
Action Type: $_kp/getKpIndex
Action Payload: undefined
Current State: {ob: Observer} $_kp: Object kp: "2" //<- That is what I'm trying to get - "2"!
UPDATE-2: I'm using Vues Inspector now as well and it shows the following:
| State
| - $_kp: object
| - kp: "3"
| Mutation
| - payload: "3"
| - type: "$_kp/KP_DATA_UPDATED"
Any help with this is greatly appreciated and I hope this can be useful for who sets their stores in this manner.
import {mapGetters} from 'vuex';
import store from '../_store';
export default {
name : 'KpIndexElement',
parent: 'AVWX',
computed: {
kp: '$_kp/kp', //<-- HERE?
created() {
const STORE_KEY = '$_kp';
if (!(STORE_KEY in this.$store._modules.root._children)) {//<= I think there is an issue with this too
this.$store.registerModule(STORE_KEY, store);
mounted() {
<p><strong>Kp: </strong>{{ kp }}</p>
The Store index.js
import actions from './actions';
import getters from './getters';
import mutations from './mutations';
var state = {
kp: '',
export default {
namespaced: true,
import api from '../_api/server';
const getKpIndex = (context) => {
.then((response) => {
console.log('fetch response: ' + response)
context.commit('KP_DATA_UPDATED', response);
.catch((error) => {
export default {
const KP_DATA_UPDATED = (state, kp) => {
state.kp = kp;
export default {
...and finally the getters.js
const kp = state => state.kp;
export {
Syntax for mapGetters
when using namespaces is as follows :
...mapGetters('namespace', [
... // Other getters
In your case :
...mapGetters('$_kp', [
The first argument is the namespace, the second the payload containing the getters you want to use.
Also, as noted in the comments by @Ijubadr, I'm not sure mapGetters
is evaluated after you registered your store
module. To work around that, you might have to drop the use of mapGetters
and declare your STORE_KEY
as a data, then define a computed getter using STORE_KEY
in its definition (I renamed it storeKey
in the example below since this is no longer a constant):
computed: mapState('$_kp',{
kpIndex: 'kp'
created() {
this.storeKey = '$_kp';
if (!(this.storeKey in this.$store._modules.root._children)) {
this.$store.registerModule(this.storeKey, store);
mounted() {