Spring newbie here.
I observed that Spring was able to instantiate a non-public class (i.e. a class with default visibility) that I had defined. Can anyone tell me how Spring achieves this? Why is this allowed ?
OK, here's how they do it. Take this sample class:
package hidden;
class YouCantInstantiateMe{
private YouCantInstantiateMe(){
System.out.println("Damn, you did it!!!");
The above is a package-private class with a private constructor in a different package, but we'll still instantiate it:
Code (run from a class in a different package):
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception{
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("hidden.YouCantInstantiateMe");
// load class by name
Constructor<?> defaultConstructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor();
// getDeclaredConstructor(paramTypes) finds constructors with
// all visibility levels, we supply no param types to get the default
// constructor
defaultConstructor.setAccessible(true); // set visibility to public
defaultConstructor.newInstance(); // instantiate the class
Damn, you did it!!!
Of course what Spring does is much more complex, because they also deal with Constructor Injection etc., but this is how to instantiate invisible classes (or invisible constructors).