I have initially empty list of Widget in Column. Now on Other widget click I am adding new Custom Widget in _contactItems
children: _contactItems,
List<Widget> _contactItems = new List<CustomWidget>();
Now Suppose I have 6 Records (6 Custom Widgets in Column). I am trying to remove index wise records (Example. I am removing 3rd record then 1st record. Column Widgets (dynamic widgets) should be updated as _contactItems updating in setState()
Now on CustomWidget click I am removing that particular CustomWidget from Column.
setState(() {
Also tried with
_contactItems.removeWhere((item) {
return item.key == _contactItems[index].key;
Try this (assuming that your Column widget keys have this format):
setState(() {
this._contactItems.removeWhere((contact) => contact.key == Key("index_$index"));
If this doesn't solve your issue, maybe we'll need more info.