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Early Expansion of Variables in Recipes

I know about the distinction between the two kinds of variables in GNU Make.

I am currently writing a build system where certain variables are defined in sub directories (e.g., VERSION). To make the life simpler for authors of subdirectories, I do not want to force them to make their variables globally unique. I also would like to avoid recursive make.

My problem is now that I need a way to provide some simple library targets that expand these common variables when the target is defined. As a simple example:

FOO := Bar
    @echo $(FOO)

FOO := Definitely not Bar

PHONY: test2
test2: Bar
    @echo $(FOO)

I would need the output of make test2 to be

Definitely not Bar

I could, of course, use a temporary variable to force the expansion of FOO in the first rule, but then I need a way to reliably define a new temporary variable. Is there a way to expand a target, e.g. using eval?

edit: Made the curious expansion of FOO more clear in the example code.


  • It looks as if you simply want target-specific variables, e.g.


    .PHONY: Bar test2
    Bar: FOO := Bar
        @echo $(FOO)
    test2: FOO := Definitely not Bar
    test2: Bar
        @echo $(FOO)

    which runs like:

    $ make test2
    Definitely not Bar

    (Note that .PHONY, like all special targets, begins with .)