How to define local variable in Makefile target?
I would like to avoid repeating filename like:
FILENAME := "text.txt"
@echo "Copying ${FILENAME}...";
scp "${FILENAME}" "user@host:/home/user/${FILENAME}"
But I am getting an error:
FILENAME := "text.txt"
/bin/sh: FILENAME: command not found
Same with $(FILENAME)
export FILENAME="text.txt"
@echo "Copying ${FILENAME} to $(EC2)";
Gives me an empty value:
Copying ...
You can't define a make variable inside a recipe. Recipes are run in the shell and must use shell syntax.
If you want to define a make variable, define it outside of a recipe, like this:
FILENAME := text.txt
@echo "Copying ${FILENAME}...";
scp "${FILENAME}" "user@host:/home/user/${FILENAME}"
Note, it's virtually never correct to add quotes around a value when assigning it to a make variable. Make doesn't care about quotes (in variable values or expansion) and doesn't treat them specially in any way.