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How can I run my Docker Image and see working app?

I created a sample web-app in Java (with using Gradle and SpringBoot) and then dockerized it with Jib. In my build.gradle file there is a row : "ports = ['9090']" because I want to see web-app on this port. And in my file there is a row : "server.port=9090".

Docker Image succesfully created. But when I run this image I couldn't see results of its working. If I run jar file everything is OK. Web-app works on 9090 port.

I want to see my web-app working, when I execute command docker run . How can I change the port of the image or of anything else ( NettyWebServer properties ) to see the running image on that port what I want ? Can you help me with this issue please ? Thank You.


  • If you want a different port in your docker image than on your local environment u can copy different file with server.port=XXXX specified using this command in your Dockerfile

    COPY ./src/main/resources/ /opt/my-app/

    Then in your

    java -jar /opt/my-app/my-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.config.location=/opt/my-app/

    After building the app with your tool (be maven or gradle) you need to run following commands (assuming you are in the app directory with your Dockerfile etc)

    docker build -t my-app .
    docker run -d -p [desired_port]:[docker_application_properties_port] --name my-app my-app

    The desired_port is the port you will put in the URL. The docker_application_properties_port is the one you specified in your file.

    If you are running Windows OS then a lot of users make a mistake trying to use You should try using and if it doesn't work then you need to run CMD and then ipconfig /all and look for something like Ethernet Adapter (DockerNAT) and see the IP there.