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How would one calculate a limit as it approaches infinity or 0?

In my spare time I like to program theorems.

const PI = 3.141592653589793; // Math.PI
function CalculatePi(total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) {
  if (addSubBool) {
    total -= (4 / x)
    console.log(`${total}\tDifference: ${PI - total}`);
  } else {
    total += (4 / x)
    console.log(`${total}\tDifference: ${total - PI}`);
  if (total !== PI) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      CalculatePi(total, x + 2, !addSubBool);
    }, 100);

This one is a recursive call to calculate pi. I based it off this link

My question is, how do I calculate a limit in programming? This call will go to infinity.

So how does a calculator or other programming languages calculate a limit as x approaches infinity? Would I set a maximum for x?


  • Below we use loop and recur to allow your function to infinitely recur. And instead of using setTimeout, I'm recurring as fast as possible but instead outputting a result for every interval of 1000 x -

    const recur = (...values) =>
      ({ recur, values })
    const loop = f =>
    { let acc = f ()
      while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
        acc = f (...acc.values)
      return acc
    const calculatePi = (limit = Infinity) =>
      loop // loop our function ...
        ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
          { if (x > limit) // stop condition
              return total
            if (x % 1e3 === 1) // display progress as we go
              console.log(x, total, total - Math.PI)
            if (total === Math.PI) // solution found
              return total
            if (addSubBool)
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total - 4 / x  // next total
                , x + 2          // next x
                , false          // next addSubBool
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total + 4 / x  // next total
                , x + 2          // next x
                , true           // next addSubBool

    As you can see this method takes a long time to converge on the answer. Even after ten million (10M) x, we still have only calculated 6 points of precision -

    x       total               diff
    9997001 3.1415924535297624 -2.0006003076389334e-7
    9998001 3.1415924535497695 -2.0004002365681117e-7
    9999001 3.141592453569776 -2.0002001699381822e-7

    A different approach will take precision as an input of calculatePi. Instead of limiting by some arbitrary x, we will continue computing until a specific precision is reached. For demo purposes, this function also returns x so we can see how big x had to get before the desired precision was reached -

    const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
        ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
          { if (total * precision >> 0 === Math.PI * precision >> 0)
              return [ total, x ]
            if (addSubBool)
              return recur
                ( total - 4 / x
                , x + 2
                , false
              return recur
                ( total + 4 / x
                , x + 2
                , true

    As you can see, x goes beyond 37 million to reach 7 decimals of precision -

    console .log
      ( calculatePi (1e2)
        // [ 3.14999586659347, 239 ]
      , calculatePi (1e3)
        // [ 3.141000236580159, 3377 ]
      , calculatePi (1e4)
        // [ 3.1415000095284658, 21589 ]
      , calculatePi (1e5)
        // [ 3.141599999994786, 272243 ]
      , calculatePi (1e7)
        // [ 3.1415926000000005, 37320609 ]

    Expand the snippet below to verify the results in your browser -

    const recur = (...values) =>
      ({ recur, values })
    const loop = f =>
    { let acc = f ()
      while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
        acc = f (...acc.values)
      return acc
    const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
        ( (total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
          { if (total * precision >> 0 === Math.PI * precision >> 0)
              return [ total, x ]
            if (addSubBool)
              return recur
                ( total - 4 / x
                , x + 2
                , false
              return recur
                ( total + 4 / x
                , x + 2
                , true
    console .log
      ( calculatePi (1e2)
        // [ 3.14999586659347, 239 ]
      , calculatePi (1e3)
        // [ 3.141000236580159, 3377 ]
      , calculatePi (1e4)
        // [ 3.1415000095284658, 21589 ]
      , calculatePi (1e5)
        // [ 3.141599999994786, 272243 ]
      , calculatePi (1e7)
        // [ 3.1415926000000005, 37320609 ]

    Finally, it doesn't make much sense to check against Math.PI when calculating pi; I imagine whole goal is to calculate a number we pretend not to know. To do that, we start with some guess and then measure the difference between it and the total. If the guess is within the specified tolerance, return the guess -

    const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
        // guess starts at 1
        ( (guess = 1, total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
          { if (Math .abs (guess - total) * precision < 1)
              return [ guess, x ]
            if (addSubBool)
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total          // next guess
                , total - 4 / x  // next total
                , x + 2          // next x
                , false          // next addSubBool
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total         // next guess
                , total + 4 / x // next total
                , x + 2         // next x
                , true          // next addSubBool

    We can see it works as intended. Admittedly, I'm surprised by the correlation between input precision and the necessary x to compute it -

    console .log
      ( calculatePi (1e2)
        // [ 3.136592684838816, 403 ]
      , calculatePi (1e3)
        // [ 3.1410926536210413, 4003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e4)
        // [ 3.1415426535898248, 40003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e5)
        // [ 3.1415876535897618, 400003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e7)
        // [ 3.141592603589817, 40000003 ]

    Expand the snippet below to verify the results in your browser -

    const recur = (...values) =>
      ({ recur, values })
    const loop = f =>
    { let acc = f ()
      while (acc && acc.recur === recur)
        acc = f (...acc.values)
      return acc
    const calculatePi = (precision = 1e5) =>
        // guess starts at 1
        ( (guess = 1, total = 0, x = 1, addSubBool = false) =>
          { if (Math .abs (guess - total) * precision < 1)
              return [ guess, x ]
            if (addSubBool)
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total          // next guess
                , total - 4 / x  // next total
                , x + 2          // next x
                , false          // next addSubBool
              return recur // recur with ...
                ( total         // next guess
                , total + 4 / x // next total
                , x + 2         // next x
                , true          // next addSubBool
    console .log
      ( calculatePi (1e2)
        // [ 3.136592684838816, 403 ]
      , calculatePi (1e3)
        // [ 3.1410926536210413, 4003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e4)
        // [ 3.1415426535898248, 40003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e5)
        // [ 3.1415876535897618, 400003 ]
      , calculatePi (1e7)
        // [ 3.141592603589817, 40000003 ]