I have a layout where a WebView
is inside a ScrollView, and I want to be able to switch between these two to decide which one receives the touch events. Unfortunately no matter what I do, the ScrollView seems to steal the touch events from the WebView, making it impossible to pan & zoom smoothly in the WebView. Is there some solution for this?
I have tried ScrollView.SetOnTouchListener();
and set a listener that returns true, this stops the ScrollView from scrolling but does not prevent the touch events being intercepted before they reach the WebView.
I have also tried WebView.Parent.RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
and WebView.Parent.RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
which both seem to have no effect.
I worked around this by adding a floating WebView over the screen at the same level of the hierarchy as the ScrollView and linked its position to the scroll value, then switched touch control with WebView.BringToFront and ScrollView.BringToFront