I'm setting up a new discord bot, and want to join a voice channel. When I write the command !join
, the terminal sends me this message:
DeprecationWarning: Collection#filterArray: use Collection#filter instead.
const commando = require('discord.js-commando');
class JoinChannelCommand extends commando.Command {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'join',
group: 'music',
memberName: 'join',
description: 'Joins the voice channel of the commander'
async run(message, args) {
if (message.member.voiceChannel) {
if (!message.guild.voiceConnection) {
.then(connection => {
message.reply("Successfully Joined!");
} else {
message.reply("You must be in a vocie channel to summon me!");
module.exports = JoinChannelCommand;
That is just a warning, not an error: your code is not being affected by it, you can just ignore it.
There's an open issue on GitHub (link) that says it's a bug caused by the internal use of a discord.js method that has been marked as deprecated. One of the developers said that they'll fix that in a future release, for now just ignore it.