Search code examples

Search ListBox Error _ Could not set the List property. Invalid property value

I want to input data in TextBox2 for searching data in ListBox1, but it has error "Could not set the List property. Invalid property value". Debug on ".List(iii, ii - 1) = x1(i, ii)"

My code

Private Sub TextBox2_Change()

Dim x1, i As Long, ii As Long, iii As Integer
x1 = [myCar]

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With ListBox1
    If TextBox2 = "" Then
        .RowSource = "myCar"
        .RowSource = ""
        For i = 1 To UBound(x1, 1)
            If LCase(x1(i, 3)) Like LCase(TextBox2) & "*" Then 
                For ii = 1 To 12
                    .List(iii, ii - 1) = x1(i, ii)
                iii = iii + 1
            End If
    End If
End With

End Sub


  • The variable x1 isn't declared. Therefore it should be a variant. It seems that [myCar] is meant to be a range name. If so, it might be possible to assign it to x1 if its location were known. Perhaps your TextBox is on a worksheet and the reference actually works. Perhaps x1 is empty from that point forward. I suggest you test.

    Next you assign "MyCar" to the ListBox's RowSource property. As you know, that property holds a string. If MyCar is a rangename it can't be a valid range address. Perhaps something like Range(MyCar).Address would work. .RowSource = "myCar" simply assigns the word "MyCar" to the RowSource, and that should fail. In For i = 1 To UBound(x1, 1) you now expect x1 to be an array. Perhaps x1 = [myCar] is equivalent to ActiveSheet.Range(MyCar).Value. I wouldn't use that syntax but you have checked its functionality above.

    Presuming that x1 actually holds the values of a range. assigning them to the List property of the ListBox should fail if the ColumnsCount property isn't set. That isn't apparent from your code. Neither can we tell if the columns available in x1 are equal to those available in the list box or those demanded by the code.

    The ListBox has rows and columns. Given that your variable i counts the rows the your variable ii should count the columns (I would use R and C to help me follow what I'm doing). Then, with rows and columns all accounted for, what does your variable iii count?

    So, it is definite that there is insufficient control of the rows and columns of the ListBox in your code. However, after that has been sorted you may find that the values you wish to assign don't exist. Therefore the line that crashes your program may contain more than one mistake.