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Testing async SQS sendMessage

I have an async lambda, which performs an async SQS sendMessage request. The SQS queue is a standard queue, not FIFO, just to clarify.

Here's an example of code (without irrelevant part of the logic):

exports.functionHandler = async (event, context, callback) => {
    try {
        let parsedBody = JSON.parse(event.Records[0].body);
        let modifiedBody = await doStuff(parsedBody);

        let sqsPayload = {
            MessageBody: JSON.stringify(modifiedBody),
            QueueUrl: my-queue-url

        await sqs.sendMessage(sqsPayload).promise();

        callback(null, utils.respondSuccess("Done"));
    } catch (err) {
        // Handle error

        callback(null, utils.respondError(err));

const doStuff = async payload => {
    // Do stuff 

Pretty simple.

Now the problem: I'm trying to test this function using the package aws-sdk-mock. This is how I was stubbing the sendMessage function when the lambda wasn't async and the sendMessage function was using the callback:

it("an awesome title for my test", async () => {
    let payload = {
        Records: [
            // Data here

    AWS.mock("SQS", "sendMessage", (param, callback) => {
        let response = {
            ResponseMetadata: {
                RequestId: "test-request-id"
            MD5OfMessageBody: "a892e8d8589e97ca92fb70020f01c16c",
            MessageId: "test-message-id"

        callback(null, response);

    await app.functionHandler(payload, {}, (err, result) => {
        let parsedBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
        // More stuff


If I use this test, the sendMessage function throws the following error:

sendMessage returned an invalid MD5 response. Got "undefined", expecting "a892e8d8589e97ca92fb70020f01c16c".

I'm not sure how to test sendMessage asynchronously. I don't mind adopting a different package if it helps me to get the job done.

Can anyone help?

Thanks a lot


  • I've not used aws-sdk-mock but apparently in your mock you are using callback and in the lambda handler it is an async call. I use proxyquire for mocking dependencies. Here is an example:


    Don't need to use callback and context in Lambda runtime Node8.10.

    let AWSSQS = require('aws-sdk/clients/sqs');
    let sqs = new AWSSQS();
    exports.functionHandler = async (event) => {
      // No need to use callback when Lambda runtime is 8.10.
      try {
        let parsedBody = JSON.parse(event.Records[0].body);
        let modifiedBody = await doStuff(parsedBody);
        let sqsPayload = {
          MessageBody: JSON.stringify(modifiedBody),
          QueueUrl: my-queue-url
        await sqs.sendMessage(sqsPayload).promise();
        return utils.respondSuccess('Done');
      } catch (err) {
        throw utils.respondError(err);


    Pretty much self explanatory. Your define an object with name of dependency as property.

    const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
    let app = require('path/to/function');
    describe('SQS', () => {
      it("an awesome title for my test", async (done) => {
        const app = proxyquire(app, {
          'aws-sdk/clients/sqs': function() {
            this.sendMessage = (params) => {
              return {
                promise: () => {
                  return Promise.resolve({
                    ResponseMetadata: {
                      RequestId: 'test-request-id'
                    MD5OfMessageBody: 'a892e8d8589e97ca92fb70020f01c16c',
                    MessageId: 'test-message-id'
        let payload = {
          Records: [
            // Data here
        const data = await app.functionHandler(payload);
        let parsedBody = JSON.parse(data.body);