Search code examples

conflicts: 2 shift/reduce

I'm trying to write a little interpreter with GNU bison. I wanted to ask if anyone could explain the difference between the directive% right and% left and where my mistake is in the code below.

%token <flo> FLO
%token <name> NAME
%right '='
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left '&' '|' 'x'
%left '^'
%left ARG

%type <flo> exp


language:     /* nothing */
            | language statment

statment:     '\n'
            | exp
            | error                     { yyerrok; }

exp:      FLO                           { $$ = $1; }
        | NAME '(' ')'                  { $$ = ycall($1); }
        | NAME '(' exp ')'              { $$ = ycall($1, $3); }
        | NAME '(' exp ',' exp ')'      { $$ = ycall($1, $3, $5); }
        | NAME '=' exp                  { $$ = 1; ysetvar($1, $3); }
        | NAME %prec VAR                { $$ = ygetvar($1); }
        | '_' exp %prec ARG             { $$ = ygetarg($2, args); }
        | '(' exp ')'                   { $$ = $2; }
        /* 1 Operand */
        | '-' exp %prec NEG             { $$ = - $2; }
        | '~' exp %prec NOT             { $$ = ~ static_cast<int>($2); }
        | '!' exp %prec LOGIC_NOT       { $$ = ! static_cast<int>($2); }
        /* 2 Operands */
        | exp '+' exp                   { $$ = $1 + $3; }
        | exp '-' exp                   { $$ = $1 - $3; }
        | exp '*' exp                   { $$ = $1 * $3; }
        | exp '/' exp                   { $$ = $1 / $3; }
        | exp '%' exp                   { $$ = static_cast<int>($1) % static_cast<int>($3); }
        | exp '^' exp                   { $$ = pow($1, $3); }
        | exp '&' exp                   { $$ = static_cast<int>($1) & static_cast<int>($3); }
        | exp '|' exp                   { $$ = static_cast<int>($1) | static_cast<int>($3); }
        | exp 'x' exp                   { $$ = static_cast<int>($1) ^ static_cast<int>($3); }


  • Look at the y.output file produced by yacc or bison with the -v argument. The first conflict is in state 5:

    State 5
        7 exp: NAME . '(' ')'
        8    | NAME . '(' exp ')'
        9    | NAME . '(' exp ',' exp ')'
       10    | NAME . '=' exp
       11    | NAME .
        '='  shift, and go to state 14
        '('  shift, and go to state 15
        '('       [reduce using rule 11 (exp)]
        $default  reduce using rule 11 (exp)

    In this case the conflcit is when there's a '(' after a NAME -- this is an ambiguity in your grammar in which it might be a call expression, or it might be a simple NAME expression followed by a parenthesized expression, due to the fact that you have no separator between statements in your language.

    The second conflict is:

    State 13
        4 statment: exp .
       17 exp: exp . '+' exp
       18    | exp . '-' exp
       19    | exp . '*' exp
       20    | exp . '/' exp
       21    | exp . '%' exp
       22    | exp . '^' exp
       23    | exp . '&' exp
       24    | exp . '|' exp
       25    | exp . 'x' exp
        '+'  shift, and go to state 21
        '-'  shift, and go to state 22
        '*'  shift, and go to state 23
        '/'  shift, and go to state 24
        '%'  shift, and go to state 25
        '&'  shift, and go to state 26
        '|'  shift, and go to state 27
        'x'  shift, and go to state 28
        '^'  shift, and go to state 29
        '-'       [reduce using rule 4 (statment)]
        $default  reduce using rule 4 (statment)

    which is essentially the same problem, this time with a '-' -- the input NAME - NAME might be a single binary subtract statements, or it might be two statements -- a NAME followed by a unary negate.

    If you add a separator between statements (such as ;), both of these conflicts would go away.