I'm using Chilkat x86-vc10-sp1 ( and tested on too ). I need to use a webservice that requires Content-Length specified also for PUT and DELETE calls with empty body. I read this http://www.chilkatforum.com/questions/5485/need-content-length0-http-header-even-when-message-is-empty/5528 from the old forum, but I still have the issue. Is there any workaround ? This is the way I make the PUT call
CkHttp http;
if (!http.UnlockComponent(CK_UNLOCKCODE)) return false;
http.AddQuickHeader("X-Authorization", authToken);
http.AddQuickHeader("Accept", "application/json");
CkString os;
http.QuickPutStr(endpoint, os);
int res = http.get_LastStatus();
Thank you for any advice
AddQuickHeader is deprecated, use SetRequestHeader instead.
If you explicitly set the Content-Length to 0, it should result in the "Content-Length: 0" header being added to the request.
Normally you would never explicitly set the Content-Length header because Chilkat automatically adds it (if non-zero) based on the actual content length.