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How to multitask commands for MobaXterm with a .bat file

I want to start mobaxterm and then start a ssh and then want to see the que list (which is done by "qstat -wa") and finally want to see the files in it (which is done by "ls").

For this purpose, I've started to create a bat file. But I could not find a way to assign multiple task in the bat file. For now, I only get the correct ssh I want (which is shown below). How can I add the other tasks in sequence I've told in the first paragraph above?

@echo off
mobaXterm -newtab "ssh"


  • Save your session in Moba and under Advanced SSH settings you'll have field Executed command: which does exactly what you need.

    Executed command:

    You don't even need an extra bat file as you can save your session directly from Moba saved session under Bookmark settings.

    Create a desktop shortcut to this session