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HQL query how to return entity?

Hi I am struggling to get this query to execute successfully. I have these 2 entities and both have their proper getters and setters.

public class Customer {

    private String customer_Code;

    private String customer_Name;

public class Project {

    public String project_Code;

    public String project_Customer;

    public String project_Description;

    public String project_Pastel_Prefix;

    public String project_Name;

And ten this is my controller method:

// need to inject the session factory
    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public List<Customer> getCustomers() {

        // get the current hibernate sessio
    Session currentSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    // create a query  ... sort by last name
    Query<Customer> theQuery = 
            currentSession.createQuery("Query goes here",

    // execute query and get result list
    List<Customer> customers = theQuery.getResultList();

        // return the results       
        return customers;

I am trying to execute this query "SELECT DISTINCT Customer.* FROM Customer, Project WHERE Customer_Code=Project_Customer ORDER BY Customer_Name"

I have tried the following:

  • "select distinct Customer from Customer as cus, Project as pro where cus.customer_code = pro.project_Customer order by cus.customer_Name"
  • "select distinct cus.customer_Code, cus.customer_Name from Customer as cus, Project as pro where cus.customer_code = pro.project_Customer order by cus.customer_Name"
  • "from Customer cus, Project pro where cus.customer_Code = pro.project_Customer order by cus.customer_Name"

But nothing works. I usually get the error Cannot create TypedQuery for query with more than one return using requested result type [com.timesheet_Webservice.entity.Customer]

Which appears to mean Im not getting an instance of the customer entity like I would with a simple "from Customer" query. If it be the case how do I return a customer entity? If not then what am I doing wrong?


  • When you do Customer.*, the query is supposed to select customer_Code and customer_Name which are two String objects. But You are expecting a Customer entity as a Result.

    Make your query to select a Customer object like this.

    select distinct cus from Customer as cus, Project as pro where cus.customer_code = pro.project_Customer order by cus.customer_Name