How do you mock file reading/writing via JUnit?
Here is my scenario
public abstract class MyHandler {
private String path = //..path/to/file/here
public synchronized void writeToFile(String infoText) {
// Some processing
// Writing to File Here
File file = FileUtils.getFile(filepath);
// file can't be written, throw FileWriteException
if (file.canWrite()) {
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, infoText.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));
} else {
throw new FileWriteException();
public String readFromFile() {
// Reading from File here
String infoText = "";
File file = new File(path);
// file can't be read, throw FileReadException
if (file.canRead()) {
infoText = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, Charsets.UTF_8);
} else {
throw FileReadException();
return infoText
public class MyHandlerTest {
private static MyHandler handler = null;
// Some Initialization for JUnit (i.e @Before, @BeforeClass, @After, etc)
@Test(expected = FileWriteException.class)
public void writeFileTest() throws Exception {
handler.writeToFile("Test Write!");
@Test(expected = FileReadException.class)
public void readFileTest() throws Exception {
Given above source, Scenario when file is not writable (write permission not allowed) is OK, However, when i try to do scenario wherein file
is not readable (read permission not allowed). It always read the file, i have already tried to modify the file permission on the test code via below
File f = new File("..path/to/file/here");
However, I did some reading, setReadable()
always returns false (failed) when run on Windows machine.
Is there a way to modify the file permission of the target file programmatically in relation to JUnit?
Target source code to test cannot be modified, meaning
is a legacy code which is not to be modified.
Instead of relying on the operating system file permissions, use PowerMock to mock FileUtils.getFile(...) and make it return an instance of File (e.g. anonymous sub class) that returns a specific value for canWrite()/canRead().