I am using ZK and I have popup window with Radiogroup
. The zul
<zk xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul/zul.xsd">
<popup use="com.myproject.webapp.docbrowse.filter.FiltrationModePopup" width="330px">
<vlayout sclass="content">
<label sclass="title" value="List form setup"/>
<radiogroup id="rgScrollerMode" sclass="scrollermode-radio">
<row sclass="radio-border">
<radio label="Standart"/>
<row sclass="radio-border">
<radio label="Archive / Select year"/>
<hlayout id="archivePanel" use="com.myproject.webapp.docbrowse.ArchivePanel"/>
<row sclass="radio-border">
<radio label="Trash"/>
. . .
<div align="right">
<button id="okButton" label="Accept" sclass="acceptButton"/>
<button id="cancelButton" label="Cancel" sclass="cancelButton"/>
Class FiltrationModePopup
public class FiltrationModePopup extends Popup implements AfterCompose, IdSpace {
public static final String STANDARD_MODE = "/icons/toolbar/table_mode.png";
private static final String ARCHIVE_MODE = "/icons/toolbar/archive_mode.png";
private static final String RECYCLEBIN_MODE = "/icons/toolbar/recycle_mode.png";
private Radiogroup rgScrollerMode;
//. . . other properties
public void afterCompose() {
. . .
rgScrollerMode = (Radiogroup) getFellow("rgScrollerMode");
final Button okButton = (Button) getFellow("okButton");
okButton.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, new SerializableEventListener<Event>() {
public void onEvent(Event event) {
final FiltrationSettings filtrationSettings = createFiltrationSettingsFromPopup();
EventUtils.postEvent(new FiltersChangeEvent(FiltrationModePopup.this, filtrationSettings));
EventUtils.postEvent(new RefreshScrollerEvent(FiltrationModePopup.this));
addForward(Events.ON_OK, okButton, Events.ON_CLICK);
private FiltrationSettings createFiltrationSettingsFromPopup() {
return new FiltrationSettings(getScrollerMode(), getArchiveValue());
public ScrollerMode getScrollerMode() {
switch (rgScrollerMode.getSelectedIndex()) {
case 1:
return ScrollerMode.ARCHIVE;
case 2:
return ScrollerMode.RECYCLEBIN;
return ScrollerMode.STANDARD;
// . . . Other code
So, when popup displays on screen and I selecting some Radio item and pressing "Accept" button - selectedIndex is not always correct. Sometimes it's -1, sometimes it's old selected value and sometimes it's correct. What's wrong?
I simplify your code, and it always get the correct selected index.
public class FiltrationModePopup extends Popup implements AfterCompose, IdSpace {
private Radiogroup rgScrollerMode;
public void afterCompose() {
rgScrollerMode = (Radiogroup) getFellow("rgScrollerMode");
final Button okButton = (Button) getFellow("okButton");
okButton.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, new SerializableEventListener<Event>() {
public void onEvent(Event event) {
addForward(Events.ON_OK, okButton, Events.ON_CLICK);
You need to trace what happens before you call getSelectedIndex()
. You can comment out codes inside onClick listener and gradually add codes line by line to find out the root cause.