Hello so I'm trying to develop a UserForm and it's my first time.
I'm having a problem with my ComboBox and ListBox (pretty much not functioning well).
You see, I have a ComboBox right above the ListBox and that's where I would choose a value and the row values should be displayed BOTH on the ListBox and the ComboBoxes.
Problem 1: The values only show in the ComboBoxes BUT NOT in the ListBox.
If I clicked on the "VIEW DATA" button, all the values from the spreadsheet are displayed on the ListBox with 8 columns. If clicked on a row from the ListBox (obviously it will be highlighted) it will also be displayed on the ComboBoxes below.
Problem 2: Whenever I try to edit the values in the ComboBox and click the update button, nothing happens. It doesn't update anything.
I'm looking for answers everywhere but I can't seem to find one.
Private Sub btnDelete_Click()
Dim a As Integer
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this row?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Yes") = vbYes Then
For a = 1 To Range("A100000").End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(a, 1) = listHeader.List(listHeader.ListIndex) Then
End If
Next a
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnSearch_Click()
'Dim x As Long
'Dim y As Long
'x = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'For y = 2 To x
'If Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 1).Text = cmbSearch.Value Then
'cmbSchema.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 1)
'cmbEnvironment.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 2)
'cmbHost.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 3)
'cmbIP.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 4)
'cmbAccessible.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 5)
'cmbLast.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 6)
'cmbConfirmation.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 7)
'cmbProjects.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 8)
'End If
'Next y
End Sub
Private Sub btnView_Click()
listHeader.RowSource = "A4:H200"
End Sub
Private Sub cmbAdd_Click()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PRESTAGE DB")
nextrow = sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 1) = Me.cmbSchema
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 2) = Me.cmbEnvironment
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 3) = Me.cmbHost
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 4) = Me.cmbIP
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 5) = Me.cmbAccessible
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 6) = Me.cmbLast
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 7) = Me.cmbConfirmation
sheet.Cells(nextrow, 8) = Me.cmbProjects
MsgBox "Data Added!"
End Sub
Private Sub cmbClearFields_Click()
cmbSchema.Text = ""
cmbEnvironment.Text = ""
cmbHost.Text = ""
cmbIP.Text = ""
cmbAccessible.Text = ""
cmbLast.Text = ""
cmbConfirmation.Text = ""
cmbProjects.Text = ""
cmbSearch.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmbSearch_Change()
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
x = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For y = 2 To x
If Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 1).Text = cmbSearch.Value Then
cmbSchema.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 1)
cmbEnvironment.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 2)
cmbHost.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 3)
cmbIP.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 4)
cmbAccessible.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 5)
cmbLast.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 6)
cmbConfirmation.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 7)
cmbProjects.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 8)
End If
Next y
End Sub
Private Sub cmbUpdate_Click()
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
x = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For y = 2 To x
If Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 1).Text = cmbSchema.Value Then
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 2) = cmbEnvironment
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 3) = cmbHost
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 4) = cmbIP
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 5) = cmbAccessible
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 6) = cmbLast
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 7) = cmbConfirmation
Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Cells(y, 8) = cmbProjects
End If
Next y
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
listHeader.RowSource = ""
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub listHeader_Click()
cmbSchema.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(0)
cmbEnvironment.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(1)
cmbHost.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(2)
cmbIP.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(3)
cmbAccessible.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(4)
cmbLast.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(5)
cmbConfirmation.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(6)
cmbProjects.Value = UserForm1.listHeader.Column(7)
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
cmbSearch.List = Sheets("PRESTAGE DB").Range("A4:A10000").Value
End Sub
file: https://jmp.sh/cZj8e4q
Use the below code for Problem1
Used Change event for combobox so if user changes any value the list box and combo box will be populated based on the value selected in the combo box.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
x = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For y = 2 To x
If Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 1).Text = ComboBox1.Value Then
cmbSchema.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 1)
cmbEnvironment.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 2)
cmbHost.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 3)
cmbIP.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 4)
cmbAccessible.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 5)
cmbLast.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 6)
cmbConfirmation.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 7)
cmbProjects.Text = Sheets("PRESTAGEDB").Cells(y, 8)
UserForm1.ListBox1.RowSource = "A" + CStr(y) + ": H" + CStr(y)
Exit For
End If
Next y
End Sub
Please accept if resolves your issue