I have 2 Scenarios:
I want a regex to replace Sample Country ! with Empty String, Country here is not fixed, it can be US, France etc
I tried:
System.out.println(str.replaceAll("^(Sample[^!]+!)", ""));
I am getting the Output
! Test Data
whereas I just want
Test Data
String ends with Sample Country ! i.e. Test Data Sample Country ! here also I just want
Test Data
Can someone help to provide the correct Regular expression with the explanation. Thanks a lot
Try this regex here:
String[] testcases = new String[] {
"Sample foo ! Test Data",
"Sample bar ! Test Data",
"Test Data Sample foo !",
"Test Data Sample bar !"
for (String str : testcases) {
System.out.println(str.replaceAll("(.* ?)(Sample[a-zA-Z ]+ ! ?)(.*)", "$1$3"));
(.* ?) // first match group, matches anything, followed by an optional space
(Sample[a-zA-Z ]+ ! ?) // second match group, matches the String "Sample followed by a series of letters (your country), a whitespace, an exclamation mark and an optional space
(.*) // third match group, matches anything
So the second match group ($2) will contain your "Sample Country" string and we can just replace the result with only the first ($1) and the third ($3) match group.