When i am using JavaFX, the sleep function won't work accordingly. Like in this code:
public class Controller {
@FXML private Label label;
@FXML private Button b1;
public void write() throws InterruptedException
label.setText("FIRST TIME");
for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)
System.out.println("Value "+i);
label.setText("Value "+i);
label.setText("LAST TIME");
when the Button b1 is pressed the write function is called. Now, in the console "Value + i" is being printed after 2 seconds. But that time the text of Label l1 doesn't change and finally it only changes to "LAST TIME". What is wrong in here ?
After having read the links proposed in the comments, you may want to remove the long process (delay) from the fx thread.
You can do it by invoking another thread :
public void write() {
label.setText("FIRST TIME");
new Thread(()->{ //use another thread so long process does not block gui
for(int i=1;i<=6;i++) {
String text;
if(i == 6 ){
text = "LAST TIME";
final int j = i;
text = "Value "+j;
//update gui using fx thread
Platform.runLater(() -> label.setText(text));
try {Thread.sleep(2000);} catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace();}
Or better use fx animation tools like :
private int i = 0; // a filed used for counting
public void write() {
label.setText("FIRST TIME");
PauseTransition pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(2));
pause.setOnFinished(event ->{
label.setText("Value "+i++);
if (i<=6) {
} else {
label.setText("LAST TIME");