Method Objects.requireNonNull with Supplier
added in Java 8, but I'm not sure what's the performance improvement declared:
While this may confer a performance advantage in the non-null case, when deciding to call this method care should be taken that the costs of creating the message supplier are less than the cost of just creating the string message directly.
Method with String ignores parameter if not null:
public static <T> T requireNonNull(T obj, String message) {
if (obj == null)
throw new NullPointerException(message);
return obj;
I found JDK-8011800 : Add java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(T, Supplier)
In JDK 7, java.util.Objects included several methods to check for null, including one that took a message to return if a null was found. With lambdas in JDK 8, another variant to include is a requireNonNull method which takes a string supplier instead of a string. That why the cost of creating the string message can be avoided for the non-null case. Note that the lambda capture can have a nonzero cost though.
With comment indicate no performance impact:
The non-zero capture cost does worry me. I am concerned that it will frequently erase any advantage of using a Supplier. 09-04-2013
I found other questions, but not referring to (why) sending String parameter have performance costs
Is it specific for lambda expressions/stream usage?
Consider this, where generateString
does a lot of stuff in order to generate a string from someParam
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, generateString(someParam));
Arguments are evaluated eagerly in Java, which means that generateString
will be evaluated before requireNonNull
is called. It is therefore computed regardless of whether obj
is null or not.
You can fix this problem by changing it to this:
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, () -> generateString(someParam));
In this case, generateString
will only be called if obj
actually was null. This is more efficient when generateString
is more expensive than creating the Supplier
You should just use the normal non-lambda method if your String parameter is just a literal, like:
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "obj was null!");