I'm trying to update an existing C# code. The code is parsed using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.IParser
. My system is using widely ICompilationUnit
to explore existing code.
Now, I want to add a method to an existing file and save it back to disk as C# code. So far I have:
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = GetCompilationUnit();
var visitor = new NRefactoryASTConvertVisitor(new ParseProjectContent());
compilationUnit.AcceptVisitor(visitor, null);
IMethod method = //GetMethod from otherplace
// How the updated visitor.Cu be transformed to C# code
What I'd like to do is to generate C# code from visitor.Cu
. Is there a way to generate C# code from ICompilationUnit
You're adding the method as an IMethod - an IMethod just represents a method as a DOM entity along with some information about its signature (without any code) - so I don't see how you would be able to generate C# code from it...
(unless you mean generating code just for the method's signature? in which case you should look into the class ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Dom.Refactoring.CodeGenerator for the DOM->AST conversion, specifically the ConvertMember(IMethod m, ClassFinder targetContext)
Your CompilationUnit, however, is the Abstract Syntax Tree of the code file, and can easily be converted back to C#/VB.NET code using the CSharpOutputVisitor and VBNetOutputVisitor classes.
You could add a MethodDeclaration that represents your method's code to a TypeDefinition which represents some class in the original file, and then use the aforementioned output visitors to generate the code with your new method inserted.
For your convinience I'm attaching a PrettyPrint extension method that is useful when working on converting INodes to code:
public static string PrettyPrint(this INode code, LanguageProperties language)
if (code == null) return string.Empty;
IOutputAstVisitor csOutVisitor = CreateCodePrinter(language);
code.AcceptVisitor(csOutVisitor, null);
return csOutVisitor.Text;
private static IOutputAstVisitor CreateCodePrinter(LanguageProperties language)
if (language == LanguageProperties.CSharp) return new CSharpOutputVisitor();
if (language == LanguageProperties.VBNet) return new VBNetOutputVisitor();
throw new NotSupportedException();
public static string ToCSharpCode(this INode code)
return code.PrettyPrint(LanguageProperties.CSharp);